Strategic Vision & Vibrational Law of Attraction

Inner Strength, Commitment, Universe, Life

Commitment is how you Align with your Ideal Life

Commitment is your alignment with what you most want to achieve in life, just like a tuning fork. You can tell how committed you are by looking at your life – is it all you want it to be?  Learn about the value and power of commitment in this video. Napoleon Hill said if you […]

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Shamanic Journey – Empowering Your Imagination for Manifestation

When you imagine your Dream Life, you draw it to you. In this guided visualization Shamanic Journey, you will see a version of your perfect life reflected in the Pool of Manifestation.  This journey helps you develop your imagination so you can visualize your life the way you want it.  Use the richness of your

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New Self, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing, Spirit Guides, Energy Healing, Octavia Brooks, Self Awareness

Ancient Soul Retrieval + Modern Mental Success Habits

How Do You Sustain the Results of Soul Retrieval? You’ve done a bit of Soul Retrieval, either by using success tools, self-healing or Shamanic Soul Retrieval, and you’ve had a nice shift.  As I mentioned in my last post, we are designed to slip back into old habits due to our habitual human nature. How

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Anxious Mind, Soul Retrieval, Napoleon Hill, Childhood Trauma, octavia brooks

Napoleon Hill and Shamanic Soul Retrieval

What do Soul Retrieval and Napoleon Hill have in common? My Mom used to accuse me of “proselytizing!” I would get so passionate about a topic it sounded like I was preaching!  Recently, I was doing the same thing while talking about the limitations of our brain. I was sharing about how Soul Retrieval and

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set goals, who to be, be yourself, divine self, octavia brooks

Instead of just Setting Goals, Decide who to BE

It’s all well and good to set your goals.  Many great teachers can show you how to set ‘em, so you don’t need that from me. Set goals, and also decide who to BE.   I have mixed feelings about goals. Goals are always changing as I learn along the way towards achieving them. Then

Instead of just Setting Goals, Decide who to BE Read More »

fresh start, new year, leap into 2018, reclaim energy, octavia brooks

A Fresh Start in the New Year When You Reclaim Energy

How do you recover from a difficult year and enter into the next one feeling hopeful for a fresh start? A lot of us had a doozy of a year in 2017.  Surgery, divorce, moving around, looking for the right home, health issues, money drains, unexpected death – all of this and more happened just

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