robot, se;lf-love, mental peace, paece of mind, energy healing, shamanic healing, shamanic energy healing

5 Mental Peace Tips

I’m all about creating comfort in our lives as sensitives!  Though we have special needs due to our emotional and physical sensitivity, our comfort is the foundation for bringing our unique gifts to the world. In this installment, I discuss ways to create mental peace, which is so important for our well-being.  Since we are […]

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Self-Love for Sensitive Folks: 5 Emotional Tips

  We sensitives can get wrapped around the emotional axle because we feel so much.  Because of this, we develop unique skills and insights with our emotions that can really help others understand their emotions. My last post talked about finding body contentment as a sensitive starting on the physical level.  In this installment you

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Sleepy Cat, Self-Love, Octavia Brooks, Shamanic Healing, Energy Healing

Self-Love for Sensitives: 5 Tips for Body Contentment

We sensitives can be so hard to please!  A few years ago, I felt fussy all the time.  I wondered, “What the Hell does it take for me to feel content?”  Getting all the way to Happiness was too big a leap back then.  A big piece of it was accepting how sensitive I am,

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A Daily Routine for Success and Emotional Balance

I used to hate any forms of routine. Since I didn’t have consistency in childhood, any form of routine felt boring and uncreative at best and frustrating at worst. However, after a success mentor convinced me to try a daily routine, I began experiencing many benefits.  I felt calmer and more relaxed, and I began

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New Self, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing, Spirit Guides, Energy Healing, Octavia Brooks, Self Awareness

Ancient Soul Retrieval + Modern Mental Success Habits

How Do You Sustain the Results of Soul Retrieval? You’ve done a bit of Soul Retrieval, either by using success tools, self-healing or Shamanic Soul Retrieval, and you’ve had a nice shift.  As I mentioned in my last post, we are designed to slip back into old habits due to our habitual human nature. How

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How to Create a Ritual or Ceremony that is Transformational

INITIATE your quality of life by doing a ceremony – acknowledge that big shift or change in your life. We all have things in our life we want to change. When we’re ready to make that change, tired of the way things have been, it’s a good time to do a ceremony to officialize the

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Anxious Mind, Soul Retrieval, Napoleon Hill, Childhood Trauma, octavia brooks

Napoleon Hill and Shamanic Soul Retrieval

What do Soul Retrieval and Napoleon Hill have in common? My Mom used to accuse me of “proselytizing!” I would get so passionate about a topic it sounded like I was preaching!  Recently, I was doing the same thing while talking about the limitations of our brain. I was sharing about how Soul Retrieval and

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bless your home, house blessing, home blessing. shamanic energy, smudging

What are Spiritual Tools used in Shamanism?

In Shamanism, what are the tools, techniques, and protocols?  This post is an update to my Winter Solstice 2016 video post of my talk on Shamanic practices to a group of counselors. I interviewed other Shamanic practitioners and realized even though we come from different backgrounds and courses of study, our techniques are amazingly similar.

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nightmare, soul loss, past life soul loss, past life, past lives, soul retrieval

Mystery Problems? Could be Weird Past Lives

  What do you do when your issues don’t make any sense at all?  You may have symptoms from a weird past life soul loss. When nothing you know about your life or your family history points to a cause for what’s going on, then it is a good time to seek the help of

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positive thinking negative thinking

Why is Positive Thinking so Hard?

Are you at war with your biology? When it comes to positive thinking, the answer to this question is, Yes. It is in our nature to focus on fears, worries and doubts because that had a survival purpose back in caveman days when we lived in the elements and were tasty flesh morsels for a

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