Inner Peace

robot, se;lf-love, mental peace, paece of mind, energy healing, shamanic healing, shamanic energy healing

5 Mental Peace Tips

I’m all about creating comfort in our lives as sensitives!  Though we have special needs due to our emotional and physical sensitivity, our comfort is the foundation for bringing our unique gifts to the world. In this installment, I discuss ways to create mental peace, which is so important for our well-being.  Since we are […]

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Self-Love for Sensitive Folks: 5 Emotional Tips

  We sensitives can get wrapped around the emotional axle because we feel so much.  Because of this, we develop unique skills and insights with our emotions that can really help others understand their emotions. My last post talked about finding body contentment as a sensitive starting on the physical level.  In this installment you

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Sleepy Cat, Self-Love, Octavia Brooks, Shamanic Healing, Energy Healing

Self-Love for Sensitives: 5 Tips for Body Contentment

We sensitives can be so hard to please!  A few years ago, I felt fussy all the time.  I wondered, “What the Hell does it take for me to feel content?”  Getting all the way to Happiness was too big a leap back then.  A big piece of it was accepting how sensitive I am,

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A Daily Routine for Success and Emotional Balance

I used to hate any forms of routine. Since I didn’t have consistency in childhood, any form of routine felt boring and uncreative at best and frustrating at worst. However, after a success mentor convinced me to try a daily routine, I began experiencing many benefits.  I felt calmer and more relaxed, and I began

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Soul Retrieval for Childhood Difficulties

Soul Retrieval Part 1: Soul Loss in Childhood What if you could access more of the best parts of you?  More clarity, more confidence, more inspiration, more energy, more purpose?  That’s why Shamanic practitioners do Soul Retrieval – to bring you more of YOU. When we go through hard times, sometimes a part of us

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Intro to Energy Healing – Grounding and Chakra Balancing

Introducing the topic of Energy Healing This post will cover Grounding and Chakras.  Energy Healing has huge benefits and gives you the power to create more positive feelings in your life. Grounding is a form of healing energy to feel calm and confident.  When grounded, people think you are being authentic.  Subconsciously, people can feel how you

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Enjoy Your Life through Self-Love

It seems obvious — Enjoying life through self-love. If you’re not enjoying your life in certain ways and practicing self-love, does that mean you’re not loving yourself in some way?  I propose YES. Why do we deny ourselves life’s enjoyment? Because self-love is pretty complicated.  It seems obvious, however if you’re like me, you have

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A Raw List of Self-Love Attributes

 Enjoy my list of self-love attributes, a personal guidebook to your success. Stop shooting yourself in the foot and repeating negative patterns, then getting mad at yourself. Giving yourself the gift of being the best person you can be. Paying attention to the promises you make to yourself and others.  Making and keeping promises to

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Heart-Cleansing Guided Meditation

Oftentimes after we go through heartache, we decide it’s safer to protect our hearts to keep from getting hurt in the future. So, we consciously and unconsciously put layers of “protection” around our hearts.  In addition to feeling safer, however, we might also feel more stuck over time. Your heart “protection” could prevent you from experiencing

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