An Underlying Reason for Self-sabotage

Do you ever find that as you get closer to an important goal, self-sabotage patterns kick in

You forget about an important appointment, lose emails, your computer crashes … you get sick.  I’ve definitely found this myself and there are several reasons I believe this happens to us.

One of those reasons I’ve discovered in myself is a worry that I won’t like being successful. 

My thought process goes like this, “What if I work really hard and get that goal, only to find I don’t like where I’ve arrived?”  It’s true that this has actually happened to me, in all different areas of my life, not just business. 

As a sensitive person, I can be very particular and there are lots of occasions when I tried something only to find out it wasn’t for me.

The thing is, if I’ve spent a lot of time working towards that goal, only to find out I didn’t like it, I can get really upset with myself.  My mind goes into turmoil about what a waste of time and energy it was and things go downhill from there. 

And sometimes when I’m upset I don’t take the time to fully resolve my feelings, I just go on to the next thing.  However, the unresolved feelings about whether I will enjoy success soak into my subconscious and turn into self-sabotage. 

Now when I’m doing the tap-dance around accomplishing something I sit myself down and have a little talk.  Where exactly is my energy going, if I’m not using it to take my next step? 

I usually discover a lot of answers to this question when I sit still and really look into it.  That gives me the perspective to prioritize my needs better and figure out what needs to be taken care of inside me in order for my energy to line up.

As sensitives if we don’t use a thought process like this to sort through all the internal complexities that are playing into a motivation obstacle, we may never move ahead.  And that is definitely a form of self-sabotage.

If we’re not moving ahead and progressing towards our desires, that frustration can cause hardship on our sensitive nervous systems.

I’d love to hear how your sensitivity shows up in your business…

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