Change may be Easier for Sensitive Business Owners

As sensitives we are very aware when we need to change something physically in order to be more comfortable.  I think this makes us better at making changes for the health of our businesses than many people.

We are constantly monitoring our levels of comfort in every area of our lives.  We get that fussy, itchy feeling when something needs to change. We look for that thing and figure out how to get comfortable again. Whew.

When non-sensitives are stuck in a rut they have a higher tolerance for the frustrating limitations they’re experiencing.  They can rationalize staying in that place or otherwise put up with it until something totally breaks and they have to respond by taking steps in a new direction.

The crash might come from a health crisis experienced by themselves or someone close, outside impacts such as losing a key client or key team member, a big market change, or revenues dwindling beyond a certain threshold of viability.

We sensitives can see more things coming…we have built-in early warning systems.  I remember getting a “spidy sense” when a re-org was about to happen in my company, and sure enough we’d get the announcement within a week.

I often know when I hire someone or take on a new client how long the relationship is going to last, what percentage of “fit” they are.  I’m accurate enough that I can organize around this intuition. I show people how to read these types of energies in their business.

We sensitives are very tuned into our bodies and the healthfulness of those around us (sometimes to a fault!), so we usually know when something’s up, in time to avert a crisis.  We can “smell” it coming.

Sensitive business owners synthesize information in talented ways. We’re better at sensing market changes, then honing in on the information we need for a lucrative new direction to move towards.

Our intuition tunes us into client and team member changes that might affect us.  That gives us the advantage of scheduling a “check-in” conversation with clients or team members to minimize or better plan for any impacts.

While we sensitive business owners may not be totally immune to getting stuck, we have more talents than most entrepreneurs to pull out of uncomfortable ruts and patterns, before they get intolerable or highly stressful.

I’m curious about your “early warning” stories and also what ruts you seem to find more difficult to resolve.

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