Client and Student Testimonials

Melissa Gail Klein, Musician

Melissa received Octavia’s Intuitive Success Mentoring and had a dramatic increase in confidence.  Hear her turning point
where she stepped into a profound volunteer service that most of us would be way too frightened to do! 


Find out if Intuitive Success Mentoring is for you


Mike Hruska, Overlap Community

I was looking for a way to get clarity and set intention for some daily practice routine changes. 
Octavia was instrumental at providing me the space to explore, define and move into a new mindset.


 Beth Remsberg, Graphic Designer

Beth’s mind was blown when she felt changes in her body when she took Octavia’s chakra class.  She also benefited from
the Masculine and Feminine class, because she learned that running more masculine energy would help her focus better. 
Octavia got Beth in touch with a deep childhood memory that improved her relationships with men.

Michael Clay, IT Professional, and Business Coach

Michael had studied Law of Attraction and was intrigued by what a Shamanic practitioner would teach him and took Octavia’s class series.
He learned Shamanic techniques that helped him create better relationships.


Roksana, Professional

Roksana had 3 experiences with Octavia: Intuitive Energy Healing, ceremony and animal healing.  During her Shamanic session, she felt energy move out
that opened up her experience of pleasure in her life. Hear the story of how her frightened baby puppy who had a near-death
experience calmed down immediately after Octavia’s healing.

Courtney G, Virginia

During our time working together, I have grown in my spiritual awareness and gotten much more comfortable with who I am in the world. I am much more confident and have a better understanding of what is gong on with me vs what is gong on with others.   I have a choice about how I want to deal with that. This has been very useful in both work and personal situations and I am very grateful for your support, guidance and help.

Al Waisenen, LPC

Al liked Octavia’s classes because they changed his frame of reference about life and the world.  He expects to be using the techniques he learned
for the rest of his life. Al recommends Octavia’s classes to people who want to get in touch with themselves. 



Leigh McRae LPC-S, Austin, TX

I first met Octavia at a professional networking meeting and was immediately drawn to her radiant smile and vibrant energy. 
I had been feeling stuck in my life – both personally and professionally — for some time and had sought out more traditional
means of help which did not free me.  During this time, Octavia and her unique form of energy work kept popping into my head. 
I finally sought her out and boy am I glad I did! 

I have been working with Octavia monthly now for over a year.  The insights I have gained into my blocks, as well as the energy
shifts I feel during and after each session, have been life-changing.  I developed the courage to leave a career that had felt like a
burden to me for many years now.  I have gone from being insecure to confident in myself and my abilities.  I also have healthier
and more meaningful relationships.  I attribute these wonderful changes to the shifts that have occurred during my sessions with
Octavia.  I am very grateful for this beautiful woman and her magical gifts!


Ella Gold, Austin, TX

When I met Octavia I felt confused and clouded. I had inklings of deeper things within trying to
be heard but I did not understand them. Only now looking back do I see I was looking for a translator,
if you will. Working with Octavia looked different every time over the course of the 8 months in
which we worked closely. We had shamanic healing sessions and ritual lessons, as well as life and
business mentorship. During this time I began to feel the ground beneath my feet more firmly and
listening to the world around me for messages became easier. Through prayer, intention, singing,
stillness and deep heart connection Octavia helped the path before me become clear. She said things
to me that at our first session seemed so far-fetched, and now are the most treasured aspects of my life.
Octavia sees your full potential and guides you to the entrance of your path. 

I would recommend Octavia for so many reasons, and I already have. With her multidimensional 
approach to healing and connection to the spirit realm you can meet guides and receive healing beyond the constraints of time and space.
Octavia is a beautiful, open-hearted, driven and spirited human and I am so grateful that difficult life circumstances landed me on her doorstep
(quite literally!).I have nothing but gratitude for my time spent with Octavia and would encourage anyone with the slightest pull to her to
listen to that feeling inside. 


Pearl, Canada

I met Octavia at few months ago, at a peer-to-peer gathering exploring the overlaps between design and other disciplines, where I was introduced
to Shamanic Journeying for the first time.  I am also undergoing a personal transformation, and discovered Shamanic Journeys to be an insightful
tool for personal growth. Be it in person, or digitally, Octavia created a safe environment to place me safely within myself, to retrieve emotions and
memories. She guided me to be comfortable and vulnerable with myself – body, mind, heart and soul – and in turn, I became open and receptive to
accepting changes in my life. I learned that I have the courage and strength within myself to change the trajectory of my life, and live a life of abundance.
Octavia’s facilitation is deeply rooted in kindness, non-judgment and love, and I am grateful for her gift of deep connection and spirituality. I would
not hesitate to reach out to her to further your growth, personal and/or professional. 


C.V., Austin, TX

I came to Octavia because I had hit a rut in my life. I had low energy, low motivation, and trepidation about success and moving forward in my life.
Even though my healing session was over the phone I quickly began to see why Octavia calls her community and service a Temple Without
Boundaries. I could feel her positive energy, we were truly connected and all of the stress of life I had been experiencing quickly began to melt away.
During our session, we regressed deep back into my past as a child and I was able to see how experiences from 20 over years ago were still holding me
back today. Octavia addressed both my temporary life stresses as well as my ongoing back pain and digestive problems. Now I am feeling healthier
and waking up with more energy to tackle each new day! Best of all, when our session was over Octavia left me with steps I could implement to stay
on that path of positivity so I wouldn’t default back to my old habits. I will recommend her to literally anyone with any ailment, mental or physical!


Anna K. Italy

I came to Octavia through a friend’s referral. For over a year, I was going through a difficult time with my husband of 30
years. Even with the help of a really good counselor and my husband’s willingness I could not let go of the emotions I was
experiencing. Octavia used her Shamanic sight and discovered that the situation with my husband was triggering some
unconscious childhood emotions that I had never resolved when my father died.  As I worked with Octavia, I began to feel
lighter and more free and hopeful. I began to feel that my emotions were becoming resolved and that we could open a new
chapter in our marriage where we could be closer and more open with each other than ever before.

Octavia was very insightful to reflect back to me the negative unconscious things I was saying that made the situation worse in my mind than it
needed to be. Through her mentoring, I developed healthier ways of thinking and talking to myself that helped me play a stronger role in my marriage
and connect with my womanhood.   I always thought of myself as a strong person, but I am stronger in new ways now. I can tell because my elderly
mother came for a long visit and things that bothered me before rolled off my back. I feel connected to my sense of joyfulness and creativity and I am
looking forward to the next chapter of my life.  


Leisa C. Austin, TX

Thank you so much for your kind holiday wishes. I cannot find the words to express how grateful I am
for all of your help this past spring. Your amazing gift not only helped me through one of the toughest
times of my life, but also reconnected me to my true inner self.

As the year has unfolded since our one session, all my relationships improved with my kids, and even
with my ex!  I was able to create a calm, fun, sanctuary home for all my kids.

I have been able to connect more deeply to my inner self and found a peace, and a dynamic purpose that
I have never felt before. The changes within my family have been a process, and I deep down I know
that process was because of the work that was done to help me reconnect to myself.

Words cannot express my gratitude. You are an angel on earth. I know our paths will cross again.


Lauren Sheehan, Austin, TX

I felt called to see Octavia for a healing session because I was going through a rough period of my life, a lot of transitioning, I was coming out of a
period of depression and emotional turmoil. I was feeling stuck, energetically I was tired a lot, feeling like I had a lot of weight to carry and not sure
how to navigate my world. Her session was one of the most profound healings I have received and I’ve had many energy sessions over the years.
During the session, I could feel what was shifting energetically and felt immediate release and shift of some long-held patterns. In particular, my heart
was feeling very stuck, and I had been getting sick and feeling a lot of stagnant energy in that area that just wasn’t going away. During our session,
Octavia worked a lot on helping my heart to open and she told me that after this I would have access to my heart’s desire in a new way, and I wouldn’t
feel so blocked in really being who I am. As she worked I could literally feel my heart opening, I could feel the heaviness leaving, I could feel a big release.

After our session, I felt much lighter and could feel a shift in my energy. In the weeks following, many of the decisions that I was stuck around became
easier to move forward with, I made critical decisions that allowed me to release and let go of the old parts of me that were not serving who I am
moving into. I feel so much lighter, more confident, and more peaceful. My intentions going into the session were to release what was holding me back
and to gain clarity on my next moves in life. Her session fueled a more deep commitment to following my heart and the path that my soul is calling me
to as well as my confidence in that. I feel more connected to my soul path than ever and I am much more able to move through my own process of
letting go, dying and birthing.


M.K, Austin, TX

The healing I received from Octavia was profoundly helpful. I felt completely comfortable to express the painful feelings of disempowerment and doubt that had been plaguing me and holding me back from moving forward with my life and embodying my highest potential. Octavia led me to moments in my early childhood and past lives and helped to relieve and release energies that had been trapped there. I was so accustomed to those negative feelings I could hardly distinguish them from my true self. Once the healing was received and the session was over, I felt a sense of peace and freedom that I’ve only experienced before in glimpses. I felt an unmistakable sense of who I truly am that has stayed with me since the session, increasing my discernment by helping me recognize what is really me and what isn’t. I feel extremely grateful to Octavia for clearing the energies that don’t belong to me and helping to liberate my spirit so that I can embody my powerful, fully expressed true self. I hope that many people can experience Octavia’s amazing gift and find relief from their suffering. Thank you so much, Octavia!


M.P., Austin, TX

I recommend Octavia if you feel you have lingering issues you are unsure how to face, as she is truly helpful at recognizing the root causes of issues, assisting in the assimilation and integration process, and ultimately overcoming these attachments to reclaim one’s true power and connection to the Universe. I reached out to Octavia due to working with her previously, and how highly she comes recommended from spiritually-understanding mentors and friends. While I myself am highly intuitive, I find it easy to find the _location_ of my problems, but not always the abilities to actually root them out and get rid of them. I reached out, primarily, to deal with some post-traumatic stress issues from plant medicine use, which I knew went deeper than the medicine work – I knew these were places in my chakras that I was unwilling to face. I also perceived I was dealing with sexual abuse/trauma, entity attachment/interference, and karmic cycles of abuse. I did not mention most of this to Octavia – I merely mentioned to her that I wanted to be reconnected to my own sense of power and agency again, and I mentioned my medicine work issues but did not mention any details surrounding the plant medicine work. So, I know what unfolded with her was true, especially as I already could perceive so much of the issues on my own (again, without knowing how to tackle them).

Octavia uncovered not just 1, but 2 lifetimes, where I suffered extensive sexual trauma and was in chains. I was able to cope with and grieve these lifetimes, and also understand how in this lifetime – the one I am living now – has struggled with these chains from lives past. I knew what she spoke was true, as she located these issues in my root/sacral chakras – the spaces I knew I had these knots. She also helped uncover how I still know some of these individuals who were responsible for these actions – in big ways.

So, with her help, I cleared entity attachment, re-established my connection to Spirit, freed up stuck/blocked energies, and indeed truly understood how I have locked myself into karmic loops of abuse – I feel that in this lifetime, I have been gifted the resources to break these cycles, and being able to work with Octavia is one of those gifts. “I am a child of the Universe.” was an affirmation that flowed through one of our sessions. In light of all my healing work – this is a key message for me and extremely helpful in showing me that I belong, matter, and am loved. Now that I am able to see these karmic loops of abuse, I am able to break them and move into a life more fully aligned with what I truly want and need. Since our sessions,  I have switched courses in life and will be seeking employment more aligned with what I feel my purpose, passion, and love is. I am making more time for me, and leaking energy less as I recognize my own importance. I have also more deeply established a connection with my guides and overcame my fear of connection with these energies. Thank you, Octavia! Your work is an amazing gift to those of us with the chance of experiencing your powerful breakthroughs.


K.C., Houston, TX

I am so so happy you emailed me. I have been thinking of you and our session and feeling it. My relationships have gotten much better and I am able to be calmer and more still in ways I didn’t know was possible. It’s truly tremendous. I feel deeply touched and moved to better hold my own space and get to know myself within and trust my inside. It’s a space I had abandoned and it’s nice to tiptoe within again. I have been tremendously more intimate in my current relationship and been breathing better and having more confidence. I also enjoyed what you said about many paths in light and dark, helps me to realize why I meet people with dark magic and how to stay in my space. When you called me a divine Goddess child I wept. Thank you.


S.D., Austin, TX

Dear Octavia, You will be happy to know that actually, it looks that I had a kind of turnaround and I have been feeling way better after the last session.   I really focused on taking care of me and taking time for myself. I noticed that little things had a big impact on my life.  I had gone through literally one day up and one day down and it has been easier; I am so grateful!  Thank you.  I feel good at the core.


B. B., Vancouver, BC

Dear Octavia, Since our session I have enjoyed a wonderful flow of energy and ease with my work and creative projects, which is just what I was hoping for.  It’s like a layer of resistance has been lifted from my cells.  Thank you very much.  I’m already recommending you to others.


BKB, Oregon

Our session this afternoon was very wonderful and my shoulder no longer hurts after over 6 months of pain.  I feel touched at so many levels, with a touch so full of love and caring and rejuvenation.  I feel it is my work to continue receptivity as this healing process unfolds.  I have every reason to expect to enjoy the benefits from this point on into the future.  I am very grateful for your hard work and for your incredible expertise.