Hidden Capability

Shaman, Shamanic Journey, Guided Meditation, Self Care

Communicating with your Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals

Spirit Guides Expand Human Potential Spirit guides expand human potential by showing us what it feels like to be more than we know ourselves to be.  They heal our weaknesses. With their assistance, we can feel stronger, more capable, more confident.  They give us new thoughts and feelings so we can question more and transform our […]

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hypnosis, subconscious mind, shamanic journey

Shamanic Journeys and the Power of your Subconscious

Whether you like your life or not, the power of your subconscious is the part of you that created it! Your subconscious drives and motivates you, or stops you in your tracks.  You can look around at your life and figure out the health of your subconscious. If you want to be successful in life,

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Build your Resiliency – The Magic of Shamanic Journeys

I’ve been working with Shamanic Journeys for healing and transformation for over 20 years.  I think this modality is very promising for resolving personal issues that are resistant to traditional therapies. In this article, I’ll cover What Shamanic Journeys are Case study: Therapeutic benefits and format of Shamanic Journeys Summarize a couple of great articles

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New Self, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing, Spirit Guides, Energy Healing, Octavia Brooks, Self Awareness

Ancient Soul Retrieval + Modern Mental Success Habits

How Do You Sustain the Results of Soul Retrieval? You’ve done a bit of Soul Retrieval, either by using success tools, self-healing or Shamanic Soul Retrieval, and you’ve had a nice shift.  As I mentioned in my last post, we are designed to slip back into old habits due to our habitual human nature. How

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Anxious Mind, Soul Retrieval, Napoleon Hill, Childhood Trauma, octavia brooks

Napoleon Hill and Shamanic Soul Retrieval

What do Soul Retrieval and Napoleon Hill have in common? My Mom used to accuse me of “proselytizing!” I would get so passionate about a topic it sounded like I was preaching!  Recently, I was doing the same thing while talking about the limitations of our brain. I was sharing about how Soul Retrieval and

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