Shamanic Success Mentoring Payment Options

Decide your level of COMMITMENT to achieving your Highest Potential.

Already a Thrilled Client?  Thinking of someone else who could benefit from Shamanic Success Mentoring?  Learn how you can both receive referral gifts in Octavia’s Client Referral Program.


Welcome Session – $45 for 45 minutes or $125 for 90 minutes (1-time only for new clients)

Congratulations on choosing Shamanic Success Mentoring.  You’ll be feeling better immediately!  Welcome sessions have the same format as a full session: brief intention-setting, energy healing, and tools/ideas/coaching + affirmations. You’ll get a good idea if Shamanic Success Mentoring is right for you and be feeling better by the end of the session. When you schedule your Welcome Session, Octavia will send you an email with her client agreement, logistics and payment link.  Schedule a 45-min Welcome session.   Schedule a 90-minute Welcome session.         PAY HERE

As-needed session – Shamanic Success Mentoring

This option is good for you if your life doesn’t allow you to meet with Octavia on a regular schedule.  In this case, bring a top-priority issue to Octavia and receive her support and mentoring to help open up your next chapter.  Price: $175  ($125 for 1st-timers)  Click here to schedule your 90-minute session.

3-Session package

This package of three sessions ($50 discount) is relevant for people who need support for a particular topic or phase of life they are going through.  Examples: New job, recent difficulty, making a change or decision.  3-4 sessions can give you the clarity and insight you need to get to the other side. Price $475 Click here to schedule your 90-minute session.



Commit to  yourself.  Commit to your resilience, inner strength and peace, to fulfilling your highest potential.  This package of 6 sessions gives you the greatest benefit of combined Shamanic Energy Healing and mentoring in success psychology.  Shamanic Energy Healing clears negative pathways in your mind, making it much easier to re-program positive new pathways.  Learn mental reinforcing techniques to align your mind, body heart and soul, and manifest the life of success and accomplishment you’ve always dreamed of.  Price $900 (save $150) Click here to schedule your first 90-minute session. 

Monthly Programs – 6-month Commitment

Monthly programs are for clients who are sick of hitting internal roadblocks and want to continuously level up in Octavia’s Shamanic success container.  Learn a powerful personal and professional toolkit so you can fulfill your greatest purpose in life, with grace and ease. Find out more Here

New clients who make a 6-month commitment receive bonuses for themselves and friends/family.

Monthly Themes (approximate, always customized to your individual needs)

Month 1: Intake and customization. Basics of success psychology and energy balancing practices. Shamanic healing and soul retrieval for top issues. Note: Recommend vision creation/review this month.

Month 2: Develop tools of resiliency and inner strength. Shamanic healing to reclaim your energy from everywhere it leaked away so you can gather your forces for productivity and accomplishment.

Month 3: Identify negative recurring patterns and create strategies to correct them. Shamanic healing and soul retrieval to resolve root causes. Begin bringing online your hidden capacities.

Month 4: Balance masculine “push” energy with your with Feminine side to invoke creativity, inspiration, peace. Shamanic journeys to heal each side and their relationship with each other.

Month 5: Your relationship with yourself manifests around you, you are your business, your life. Create balanced reciprocity and receive more abundance from life/business. Shamanic healing in your relationship with your deepest self. Reclaim your powerful innocence and soul’s essence to channel your Highest Purpose.

Month 6: Thrive in connection with your spiritual and worldly support system and attain inner fulfillment. Shamanic activation to consciously connect with your quantum manifestational soul nature.