Shamanic Journeys for Personal Growth and Awareness

Awaken the Manifesting Power of your Subconscious through Soul Retrieval in a Guided Shamanic Visualization

A monthly program with Octavia Brooks 

Why don’t you always get what you’re working towards in life?  Because your subconscious is not aligned with your conscious will, choices or desires.  Your subconscious is running your life, and your childhood is running your subconscious. 

What does it take to align your subconscious with your conscious will and intent, so you can manifest your life faster and easier?  You can re-program your subconscious.  It responds to stories and imagery, like the ones in Shamanic Journeys (link to full article on Shamanic Journeys here).  Journeys have been used by tribal people for millennia.  They are an ancient form of learning, healing, personal growth and awareness, to help you manifest your ideal life.  Most people find Shamanic Journey experiences magical, profound and fascinating.

Shamanic Journeys are a semi-guided voyage deep into the realms of your psychology so you can permanently transform your low self-esteem and personality flaws in just a few minutes.  Shamanic Journeys are similar to guided imagery therapy, guided meditation and visualization, NLP and  hypnotherapy, with similar therapeutic effects.

Shamanic JourneyShamanic Journeys Align your Subconscious with your Conscious so you can Get What You Want

I’ve been working with Shamanic Journeys as a modality of healing and transformation for over 20 years.  When I first started, I was frustrated by my limitations; there were many aspects of my personality I didn’t like.  I did a journey every two weeks for a year, addressing each one.  I shifted and improved from every journey and never had to re-visit a single area.  Journeys can even help people resolve issues that are resistant to traditional therapies and modalities, especially when the issue has an unknown cause.

Shamanic Journeys are an interesting and fun way to attain more of what you want in life.  Become the person you want to be with the capabilities you’ve longed to have by accessing and aligning the power of your subconscious.


Monthly Personal Growth Journey Circle

Experience Soul Retrieval and see if you want to continue – first-time guests are $25 then $45/month until you feel complete. Circles are 1st Sundays 12 noon-1:15 EST by Zoom online conferencing. Monthly subscription includes membership area w journal pages, recordings, and gifts, available after trial month. Questions? Call 512.394.8809 or email

  • Become more intimate with yourself
  • Heal your heart and relationships
  • Make peace with every part of yourself.  Gain internal harmony and alignment.
  • Rejuvenate
  • Balance doing and receiving
  • …and more


Alyssa Johnson, Personal & Business Growth Catalyst

Working with Octavia was wonderful! Her connection with the Divine is extraordinary and she provided me really helpful information about a project I’m working on.

The Shamanic journey was crucial in my efforts to overcome my fears and play bigger. I clearly experienced a reintegration of a part of me that desires to experience life differently than how I’ve been taught. It was as if the “should” in me was calmed down and I could see the creative aspect of me coming forth. The dreams I had when I started my work with Octavia felt small and I started dreaming and desiring in a bigger way. It’s really exciting to feel boundless, expansive and like anything can happen. It feels magical and in alignment with how I desire to experience life.

Working with Octavia was phenomenal and I strongly recommend that people who feel called to experience her gifts and magic listen to that inner calling and move forward with her.

Pearl, Canada

I met Octavia at few months ago, at a peer-to-peer gathering exploring the overlaps between design and other disciplines, where I was introduced to Shamanic Journeying for the first time.  I am also undergoing a personal transformation, and discovered Shamanic Journeys to be an insightful tool for personal growth. Be it in person, or digitally, Octavia created a safe environment to place me safely within myself, to retrieve emotions and memories. She guided me to be comfortable and vulnerable with myself – body, mind, heart and soul – and in turn, I became open and receptive to accepting changes in my life. I learned that I have the courage and strength within myself to change the trajectory of my life, and live a life of abundance. Octavia’s facilitation is deeply rooted in kindness, non-judgment and love, and I am grateful for her gift of deep connection and spirituality. I would not hesitate to reach out to her to further your growth, personal and/or professional. — Pearl, Canada

Did you know there is a Business Owners’ Journey Group too?

Journey topics will be structured around business concerns and business skill-building such as money-making, niching, writing, marketing, community-building, partnerships, etc.  Business folks meet 3rd Sundays 12 noon-1:15 EST by Zoom online conferencing.  Sign up before Sept 15 to be grandfathered into the Beta pricing $25 first time/$45 monthly. Find out More

  • Clarity and confidence when taking big steps
  • Visibility through marketing and content
  • Community-building through partnerships
  • …and more

Take Your Next Quantum LeapJoin both Journey Circles and Fast-Track your Growth

You and your business are One.  Frequently we have personal mental/emotional obstacles blocking our next big steps in business.  Twelve journeys over 6 months will make a big difference in your overall level of success in life.  Octavia gives more personal attention to members of this committed group, along with special giftsAll journeys are recorded and available in your membership area after trial month.  Beta pricing only available for those who join before Sept 15: first journey $25 then $84/mo for both journeys.

Sessions are by Zoom online conferencing for 75 mins by phone/video, everything recorded and posted to your membership area.  Enroll by July 25 and receive giftsLimited number of seats available.  Questions? Call 512.394.8809 or email


Shamanic JourneyThrough Shamanic Journeys, Experience your Internal Quantum World 

  • Soul Retrieval – Reclaim disassociated parts of yourself and open up great new capabilities and capacities.  Resolve negative recurring patterns.
  • Get answers and gain new skills.
  • Make your dreams come true by imprinting visualizations into your subconscious. 

Octavia’s Bio

Nikki Acosta MagneticFocusPhoto.comOctavia Brooks is a Shamanic Success Mentor.  Octavia helps entrepreneurs reclaim their energy from emotional and mental blocks so they can rock their game and live up to their highest potential.  She combines ancient Shamanic techniques + modern success psychology and uses her Shamanic intuition to solve business problems.  This effective combination comes from 20+ years of personal growth through multi-cultural spirituality and 8+ years of education in entrepreneurship and psychological perspectives. Her encouraging style is playful, earthy, and loving.