Energy Clearing

energy clearing, clearing the mind, emotional patterns, headspace, shamanism, mindfulness

Holidays or not, it’s the dark time of year, a great time to Clear Energy

 As you run around for the holidays, part of you may be resonating with a very internalized state, as the days dwindle until the Winter Solstice comes on December 21st. I like to use the energy of this season to begin dwindling and diminishing anything I don’t want to carry forward with me into the new year. Very similar to wiping down the counters in the kitchen before cooking. Whatever you start in the new year can have a stronger start without all those strings and attachments from last year.

Here are some examples of things in your life that could be cleared. So you can go fresh and clean into the new year.

energy clearing, clearing the mind, emotional patterns, headspace, shamanism, mindfulness

Let’s start with the physical environments of your life. What steps could you take to clear your physical space?  Empty places to look at could lead to your physical environment supporting a creative manifestation of your inspirations, hopes, and dreams. Perhaps you could make space in your closet by donating some clothes, especially warm sweaters and coats to those in need at this time of year.

Clearing the mind can be quite challenging.

Let’s go into the mental realms. What are some thinking habits you have that don’t help you? If you could clear and change those thinking patterns, your mind and mental energy could be used for more creative thinking and self-expression.

I recommend regular free-writing on the topic of those mental negative patterns.  Give them focused attention for a short while, so you can clear them OUT of your mind.  Take 10 or 15 minutes to write fast without editing, any thought that comes to your mind. This is such a rich way to discover the foundational pieces of the pattern. Once you know some of the core beliefs underneath those negative thinking patterns, it’s easier to heal and resolve them.

Emotional Clearing – Choose Emotions to Keep, Release the Rest

Where could you accept more and worry less?  Not being or having something you want yet causes a lot of frustration, which keeps your energy tied up and held back from moving forward.  When you accept, you release these frustrations, allowing creative energy to flow, and motivation to make the changes you’re fighting yourself on so much. 

One way you can clear emotions is with a mini-ritual, and here’s an easy one: Write down some emotions you want to release on a piece of paper.  Light a candle or a fire outside and call in your Higher Self (who is always with you, easy peasy!).  Pour your emotional energy into the words on the page and your Higher Self witnesses your strong desire to release these bummer feelings and lighten up.  Then burn the paper in the sacred fire of transformation. As you burn the paper, know that your sincere desire for change is being heard by your Higher Self, who will support you in feeling better.

Is there anything spiritually you would like to clear?

In this category, I include personal development. For example, personal growth training programs that you purchased and didn’t get to!  It’s time to decide which ones you’re really going to step into in which ones you’re gonna leave alone.

An area for clearing that fits all of these categories are any place in your life that is not a Hell Yeah. It takes a bit to convert your entire life to a Hell Yeah, start now!  Notice what you’re tolerating! Make the tough decisions and do the work to get anything out of your life that gives you mixed feelings.  Whatever you’re tolerating, you’ll get more of the same, because that’s the message you’re sending to the universe!

energy clearing, clearing the mind, emotional patterns, headspace, shamanism, mindfulness

I recognize I’m recommending some complicated action steps here! We can only do our best. Real change comes when we make clear and firm decisions, and we commit to sticking with those decisions.  This exercise of clearing out your energy can help you develop your willpower, which comes in handy for just about everything. What can you clear out of your life to make room for the next r/evolutionary step? Sacrificing things such go a long way to reinforcing our commitment to have more, be more, and do bigger better things for the world.

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