Thank you for your Email Support subscription

You added a monthly Email Support plan to your Shamanic Success Mentoring.  Here’s how this works:

Between sessions, you may email Octavia up to twice per month with one topic each time that you have a question about.  Please be respectful of her time and limit each of your emails to one topic only!  (Or she may choose to answer partly or answer in full and use up both of your emails for the month!)  Most of the time, Octavia can provide her thoughtful response within 2 days.

This is NOT THE SAME AS INTEGRATION SUPPORT. If you need integration support, please reach out to Octavia as soon as you identify that your integration seems to be stuck.  Per your client agreement, this is included in the price of your session. For integration support contact her via Facebook Messenger (fastest), or email so she can support your stability and harmonious integration of the deep Shamanic work you did together.


Here are some other resources and programs you may be interested in.

Energy Balancing for Confidence and Protection This class covers simple yet profound energy techniques for feeling clear and empowered in any situation, no matter how challenging or difficult.  Using these techniques gives you a magical “CALM CONFIDENCE” for dates, interviews, family visits, etc. that everyone wants to be around.  Great training for LightWorkers!

Shamanic Wisdom 6-class series.  Through discussion, guided meditation and Shamanic journeys, learn how to protect and balance your energies, communicate with your spirit guides, use chakra healing and balancing to facilitate healthy flow and movement throughout your life.

Your progress towards your ideal happy life comes down to your passion and commitment. Take advantage of every trusted resource.