Whether you like your life or not, the power of your subconscious is the part of you that created it!
Your subconscious drives and motivates you, or stops you in your tracks. You can look around at your life and figure out the health of your subconscious.
If you want to be successful in life, it’s a heckuva lot easier after you align your conscious desires and dreams with the power of your subconscious. Shamanic Journeys are one way to create that alignment.
In this article, I talk about how Journeys tap the power of your subconscious, by comparing Journeys to two other more familiar modalities.
In a previous article, I talked about 4 types of journeys – Healing and Transformation, Education, Manifestation, and Spiritual Communion.
The first three are similar to Jungian integrative parts therapy used by counselors, and hypnosis.
Integrative parts therapy is where the counselor helps you identify different parts of your personality that have conflicting needs. Once you’re aware of these internal conflicts you can organize a dialog between your parts, and negotiate an agreement that brings them into harmony. With this internal conflict resolved, more of you is working towards the same goals in life and life gets easier. Counselors usually don’t guide clients into a trance or hypnotic state for this type of healing.
In hypnosis the practitioner uses guided meditation “induction” scripts to help the client ease into a calm light trance. The brain goes into a suggestible theta wave state and the practitioner speaks positive messages to the client that have a greater effect than in normal waking consciousness.
Shamanic journeys have a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning of the journey is parallel to hypnotic induction, where the journeyer starts in a natural setting and then passes through several locations, then arrives at the destination of the experience in the middle of the journey.
Some hypnosis practitioners also have clients imagine they are walking through a natural setting and arriving somewhere like a very peaceful lake, where the hypnotic suggestion begins.
The middle of the journey has different types of experiences depending on the type of the journey. The transformational/healing type of journey could facilitate a parts dialog and integration process very similar to the Jungian model.
A primary difference between Shamanic journeys and hypnosis and parts integration therapy is the spiritual component.
At the beginning of the journey, journeyers call in a helper being or guide, often their own Higher Self, to be a
knowledgeable companion that can help make decisions and facilitate experiences in the journey. Other spirit helper beings may also facilitate healing and integration processes, lending an amplifying element.
The subconscious loves narrative and repetition and remembers strong experiences. All these modalities help align your subconscious with your conscious. Shamanic Journeys are perhaps the most effective way to tap the power of your subconscious because the journey has more elements to create an even stronger impression on the subconscious than the other two modalities.