Guided Spiritual Journeys

Connect DeeplyUse Journeys to Build a Satisfying Life

Many of us are recovering from something, whether it’s addictions, childhood difficulties/trauma, or unhappiness.  As you develop skills to overcome these limitations, you transition from “recovering” to LIVING.  You can build and sustain a satisfying life using inner tools and resources that keep you happy and motivated.

Take a Journey

A Spiritual Journey is a guided meditation inside an unfolding story with meaningful experiences.  From these audio journeys, you will:

  • Believe in your own inner beauty
  • Learn new emotional and mental skills through meaningful experiences
  • Regain your balance and find your center
  • Connect with your powerful courage and confidence
  • Obtain profound new resources such as spirit guides and your inner wisdom

Journeys in this Series

Heal and Reclaim Your Inner Child

Make amends to that hurt little kid inside who is a trouble-maker in your life, so you can be more successful in your relationships.  In this journey, travel deep into the Earth to find a part of yourself who is hiding.  Increase your courage, joy and inner strength by healing and reclaiming this lost part of yourself.
Play a sample:
[audioplayer file=”″ leftbg=”663399″ lefticon=”ffffff” bg=”990033″ rightbg=”663399″ righticon=”ffffff” ]

Meet your Spirit Guides – Coming Soon

Spiritual resources are always available even if we can’t see them.  This journey introduces your main spirit guide, and all your other guides and supporters for this lifetime.  Learn how to develop these relationships so you can ask for comfort, protection, guidance and strength.

Meet the Perfect YOU Underneath it All – Coming Soon

Believe that you’re fatally flawed, never to be “fixed” well enough to get what you most want in life?  99% of humans secretly feel this way!  And the truth is, you’re perfect.  Meet your perfect inner self and recruit this part of you to shine more and more in your life.

Heal and Reclaim Your Inner Child – Coming Soon

Make amends to that hurt little kid inside who is a trouble-maker in your life, so you can be more successful in your relationships.  In this journey, travel deep into the Earth to find a part of yourself who is hiding.  Increase your courage, joy and inner strength by healing and reclaiming this lost part of yourself.

Create Boundaries, from the Inside Out – Coming Soon

How can you stand up for yourself and stand in your truth if you were never taught?  In this journey, experience setting limits with a difficult person in your life.  This time to your surprise, they really listen, and later demonstrate their respect of your request.  If you can experience it in a journey, you can live it!

Be the Eye of the Storm when Life goes Crazy – Coming Soon

Life will shake you and test you, can you handle the roller-coaster?  Spiritual masters know how to watch life instead of being caught up in life’s craziness.  Learn how to stay centered and calm in your heart more and more often, no matter what life throws your way.

Your Future Self Lends You a Helping Hand NOW – Coming Soon

Knowing with certainty that you can get through dark times is half the battle of getting through the dark times.  You can rely on the stronger healthier more successful Future You to help you out now.  She/He already knows everything you need!

Heal your Inner Obsessor – Coming Soon

Your “monkey” mind goes ‘round and ‘round, never giving you a break.  Gain peace of mind by healing underlying causes for your monkey mind.  Peace of mind opens us up to receive divine inspiration and our best decisions and choices become obvious.

Your Inner Warrior Protects your Good Choices – Coming Soon

Ever wonder why in the heck you made that choice that brought you nothing but trouble?  Maybe your inner warrior is on vacation!  When they’re around, they defend your very best interests.  Heal this important part of yourself and gain a voice of wisdom to consult for every decision.

*Because the journeys interact with deep/hidden parts of your psychology, Octavia recommends maintaining sufficient support with a qualified therapist, solid AA sponsor, group meetings, etc. while using the journeys to accelerate your recovery.