You’re in your Comfort Zone. It’s comfy and familiar, you’ve got a pretty good life!
So why aren’t you happy? Why do you have a little ball of anxiety in your stomach? Why is that peaceful feeling of contentment so elusive?
The key phrase above is, “pretty good.” Which implies something is missing. You may feel guilty about it, but you’ve got to admit there’s a little nagging sensation bugging you inside, saying there’s something more for you.
Now that you’ve admitted it, you’re feeling stuck. All the options for changing something seem like a No. You’re going to hurt someone you love. You’re not worth it. You don’t have what it takes. You’re going to be ridiculed.
These are valid reasons for staying in your Comfort Zone, these are very real feelings. And your Comfort Zone has a lot of things going for it too. There can be some real happiness in the comfort zone. As well as a lot of questions about whether there’s more.
All these mixed feelings create a state of inertia inside you. Doomed if you do, Damned if you don’t. Inertia in life is like being in no man’s land, the middle, the in-between.
Are you currently stuck in inertia?
From a Shamanic perspective, something essential is missing from a life that’s stuck in inertia. It’s Life Force Energy.
Ever see a plant try to stop growing? Can you think of a hungry animal that doesn’t seek out food? Have you changed over time? These motivations are all due to Life Force Energy.
Now think of a seed that got planted in a bad place. Because plants can’t choose to block life force energy, it pushes through as best it can, and that’s why there’s Life messing around in every corner and crevice of our beautiful Mama Earth.
What happens to people when they stay in inertia, blocking Life Force energy? Your intuition knows something is wrong. You may start to experience certain types of suffering, such as anxiety, bad health, energy dropouts, irritability, difficulty keeping up the routines or the pace of your daily life. You may start to feel you’re wearing a mask through your day and feeling like a fake. This could start going even further downhill, where you feel secretly alone with no way out.
It’s all because it’s unnatural to block Life Force energy. Your Comfort Zone has become a Dead Zone.
What is more painful? Staying in your Comfort Zone knowing there’s more? Or letting Life Force flow through you, moving towards the unknown to see what will happen if you listen to that inner voice?