Spirit Guides Expand Human Potential
Spirit guides expand human potential by showing us what it feels like to be more than we know ourselves to be. They heal our weaknesses. With their assistance, we can feel stronger, more capable, more confident. They give us new thoughts and feelings so we can question more and transform our perspective. Spirit Guides send inspiration, guidance, and motivation to help us expand beyond our personal limitations. Guides provide companionship; with a guide by your side, you no longer need to feel alone, you are receiving comfort and support. Guides teach us better ways of doing things. For example, I am blessed to have guides who help my clients unravel very complicated curses and energy entanglements. As I watch them work I learn how to do more.
Spirit Guides expand human potential by giving you:
- Guidance on your path
- Healing a weakness
- Amplify or call in a strength or capability you want to build
- Ability to learn faster & handle more information
- Comfort and love – filling up any empty places inside
- Encouragement with human difficulties
- Confidence
- Protection
- Psychic perception
- Youthfulness – reclaiming your lost innocence
Personal Story: One of my animal guides helped me protect my heart and preserve my dignity, so I could stop letting myself be taken advantage of. Wolf would growl, so I learned to discern when I was over-giving or making excuses for someone and giving my energy away. When he growled, I paid more attention in that moment and made different choices that were healthier for me. I completed these lessons, so Wolf hasn’t needed to help me in a while. I honor and respect the role he played for me while I was learning and increase my own human potential.
How to Connect with your Spirit Guide
Spirit guides are sent by the Divine and come in many flavors, shapes, and sizes. Some stay with us for the long haul, some come for the short term and help with a specific purpose or phase of our lives. In this blog post, I share how to connect to your spirit guides, how they can expand human potential and my own personal experiences with my spirit guides. My guides helped me expand my perspective and make better choices so I can live from a place of empowerment. When you cultivate a relationship with your spirit guides you will receive clear, wise guidance to help you in every area of your life.
A Simple Ritual to Call in Spirit Guides
This can help you establish a relationship with your spirit guides!
- Create a sacred time/place, doing a space clearing, light a candle.
- Think of an aspect of your life that you need assistance with. Maybe you need help with logistics, connections, peace of mind, physical inspiration, etc, etc.
- Open your heart by thinking of some of your favorite people/animals. Imagine there is an altar inside your heart, and place your desire for assistance on the altar.
- Now use your heart energy to send the image/feeling of your request out of your heart and into the candle. As you send your request, be sure to ask for only the Highest vibrational guide(s) you are capable of receiving.
- Now let the candle do its job of carrying your request to the Divine. Know it has been received and fulfilled, your guides are delivered (you may even feel them arrive!)
- In the next days and weeks, keep a notebook close by. Pay attention to details – listen for new thoughts/ideas, dreams, inspirations, gut instincts. Notice coincidences, what strangers say, who crops up from the past, etc, etc. Take action on these inspirations quickly, the universe rewards a sense of urgency!
How do Spirit Guides arrive?
First, you see the angel wing feather falling softly down from the sky, then the divine Mr. or Ms. Angel floats down and lands right in front of you!! Just kidding…
Okay, really. How do spirit guides arrive after the Divine sends them?
Since guides are not material, you have to pay close attention to notice their arrival.
You may sense something change in the air or feel a rush in your body. If your eyes are closed, you may see lights, colors or patterns that aren’t usually there. If you’ve cultivated your energetic sensitivities, then you may feel or sense their arrival. Or you may just “know.”
What happens when Spirit Guides arrive?
When my clients’ spirit guides arrive, I often “see” a beam of light along with a color and a texture to it. The beam of light vibrationally resonates similar to a sound. These beams of light act like tuning forks – where we are not aligned with higher energies, we can get a “tune-up” from their vibrational presence. Guides shift our energy, and this is how they help us get more of what we want.
Guides may arrive outside or inside your body. Most of them arrive outside so you don’t get scared. They are not really bound by time or space like we are since they are often from another dimension. That’s why they often communicate with imagery, colors, and patterns – it’s closer to their native language. (And much faster and informative than words!)
As a spirit medium, I’m trained to incorporate guides and communicate with them from within me.
Remember always to call in the guides of the highest truth and compassion. Be very specific and clear about what kind of guidance you’re calling in so you don’t get any riff-raff coming through. Many spirits want to learn from interacting with humans and very few are qualified to do the job. Guides such as the Hindu deities, Archangels, Mother Mary, the Orixas (nature gods), are super familiar with the complexities of our 3D world. Because they understand our world, you can trust their advice and support.
How do you get messages from spirit guides?
If your guides speak nice and clear in your ear, then you’re one of the lucky ones! This is called clairaudience and it’s a rare gift that professional psychic readers have.
If you don’t hear them, does that mean you’re not getting messages, or your spirit guides aren’t there? No, it means they’re communicating another way. Pay attention to everything after you call in your guides, to learn how they communicate with you.
As you tune in, begin to trust and act on messages from spirit guides, you build the relationship and open the doors to receive more guidance.
A Few Ways Spirit Guides Communicate:
- Series of Coincidences – Like a set of similar things happening. I pay attention if I hear about the same book or teacher 3 times.
- Signs, Signals, Gifts – Manipulating our 3D world to send you a message is easier when it’s just a little thing. Notice numbers, colors, or shapes that correlate with something you’re thinking. Initially, you may need
to interpret the signs as a Yes or a No.
- Body Sensations – This is a more expanded version of “gut feeling.” You may need to interpret your body’s messages and sometimes the sensations come with it …
- “Knowing,” aka Clairsentience – When an idea pops into your head, and you come to find out it’s correct. Closely related to…
- Inspirations – If you can stop worrying about your problem for a minute and make your mind empty, your spirit guides can make a way through the brain noise and get an answer to you. An easier way to get an answer is by writing down your question before you go to sleep. Usually, in the morning you’ll have a few ideas or steps towards your answer.
- What Other People Say, or What You Want to Say – What?!?! Spirit guides can talk through people, or make us say stuff? Ever find yourself answering your own question when your friend asks you the same one? Where did that answer come from? Yay for Divine inspiration!
In my class Communicating with Spirits for Divine Guidance, you can meet your spirit guides and animal allies in person, and your main guide will show you how to reliably connect with him or her.
Connect with your Spirit guides Regularly
We can call in guides for our lives overall, or for specific reasons to expand our human potential. When they arrive, we may sense them physically, emotionally, by getting mental inspirations (clairsentience), or even hearing clear words (clairaudience). Just make sure to call in only the guides of the highest truth and compassion. You’ll know they’re high-vibe if you get good results from taking their advice.
Like all relationships, it can take a while to get the communication flowing. Their messages can come in many forms, such as coincidences, repeating patterns, what people say to you, thoughts, or body sensations. It’s really important to pay attention to subtle messages and take quick action. From these early steps, guides learn the best ways to get your attention and the relationship grows.
My Experiences With Spirit Guides
White Eagle
White Eagle supports me in my work with people who are releasing addictions. When I started this work, I traveled into their darkness to pull them into the light. I was uninvited doing some of their work for them and co-mingling my energy with theirs. White Eagle showed me how dangerous and unclean this energetic version of co-dependency was.
He gripped my shoulders in his strong talons and pulled me firmly back to the light where I am safe and can do the most good. He taught me to offer my hand, so people can choose to come to where I am. He also opens my heart to ease and grace and keeps me out of too many details. I’ve developed this relationship over time and continue to receive new insights about how White Eagle supports me, my clients and students.
The Sun King
I was in ceremony and started having a lot of weird feelings and sensations, so I stepped outside. All in a rush, I felt a huge bright golden energy come down from my head to my toes, exploding through my entire body.
The spirit guide exclaimed in my mind, “I’ve arrived! I am HERE!” He stretched my arms up and out in victory, then bent down to touch and honor the Earth multiple times. He shook my body, and my cells felt like they were on fire. I was just barely able to contain him! His heart was a giant blazing sun in my chest, and I saw Mayan imagery and patterns.
When things calmed down, I asked him who he is and why he arrived. He gave me his name: Queztlcoatl, the Mayan sun king. He shared some of his story with me (inside my head!). He had amazing spiritual talent in his day, and I was humbled knowing his people worshipped him. Now he helps humanity as one of the Ascended Masters.
I’m so grateful and honored to have Queztlcoatl in my life. In an upcoming post, I’ll reveal how he supports my service to humanity.
My whole body lit on fire when my Sun King guide arrived! I was shaking as I confirmed with my main guide that this was a positive force arriving. I was almost burning as brilliant sunlight poured through all the cells of my body. It felt like ecstasy. I knew I was being healed by his presence, and I felt my own being lifted up to a higher vibrational level.
After a new guide arrives and things settle down, I ask the guide why they came to me. The answer comes in pictures, sensations, and inspirations; and the new relationship unfolds over a period of weeks or even longer.
The Sun King’s radiation gives my body and spirit healing and rejuvenation. He taught me what it feels like to have clear, clean, and reliable relationships with men (more unlearning from growing up with a narcissistic father). I find his humble power tremendously comforting. He is consistent, rising and setting every single day, turning me into the natural rhythms of a relationship. I’ve shared his wisdom with many clients who are also learning about healthy male presence.
Within a few days, I learned that the main reason he came to me is to help me strengthen my video and camera presence. When I recorded the videos for my online classes, I had to be “on” for many hours at a time. He channeled through me and gave me lots of energy, as well as a sense of humor and a grounded calm presence. The classes turned out to be super engaging. They are everything I wanted to give my students.
My Feathers Story
I was in love and having a very tumultuous relationship with a narcissist. After one of our first crazy-making arguments, I found a little feather and it made me feel lighter. On many occasions during that relationship when I was thinking things through, I would see fear, I was nurturing a lead to offer for Shamanic Healing Journeys to folks recovering from addiction. Finally, the day came when I gave my first journey, and it felt BIG. Walking back to my car afterward, I had mixed feelings and I hoped for a bigger group. However, the session went well and I was happy to achieve the milestone.
A few steps from my car, I saw it on the ground where I had walked to my event. It was a giant fluffy feather! Not at all native or “supposed” to be there. It was a huge sign to me that I was on the right track. (I have now recorded 8 of these journeys and will be offering them online within a few months, which is really exciting.) Feathers continue to be a sign of encouragement and reminder for me to stay light-hearted every time I see one.
Thank you for letting me share about my spirit guides and friends.