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What is a Bad Mental Habit?
When I hear people say things like it’s hard to make money, it’s always this way, it’s never going to work, what I hear is people defining the way the world works. I know this is gonna sound like magical thinking, however, those types of statements are only defining the way your world works. There’s plenty of evidence in our great big world for the opposite of every one of these phrases.
Notice that the word bad in this context is it also an absolute judgment.
Why am I Labeling it “Bad”?
I rarely use this type of language, however, I consciously chose this judgmental word to get your attention. I want your attention because you’re reinforcing beliefs into your subconscious that are keeping you down. Your subconscious is the powerhouse of your motivation and momentum. We operate our lives from a subconscious level to a very high degree. You want your subconscious to have alignment with what you’re saying you want to create in your life. If you think it’s hard to make money or that nobody has money, what is your experience going to be when you go and try to make money? Your subconscious is going to make it difficult for you and you’re going to continue to scrap and struggle.
All the success psychology greats (Emerson, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey, etc) are emphatic about this point. The number one way to change your life is to change your thinking. Create positive productive thought habits that outweigh negative habits.
Our thoughts are so much more powerful than we give them credit for. (We are so more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.) Our thoughts generate a vibrational field around us. Our thoughts reinforced by saying things out loud create an even stronger vibrational field around us, and the vibration we project is attracting more of the same. These are laws of physics that we are beginning to understand now. We are vibrational beings and the way we show up vibrationally creates our experience around us.
If you realized that everything you say is a prayer heard by the universe, not just your positive prayers and intentions, would continue making negative prayers that defeat your positive prayers? I meet a lot of spiritually powerful people who are digging themselves into a hole just like this.
What Do You Get from Changing the Habit?
- You get more of YOU, to do what you need to do. You will get your energy back from the parts of you that
were in internal conflict.
- You will feel better, not just emotionally. Positive thoughts generate healthy chemicals in your body that reinforce physical health.
- You begin to create new improved synaptic pathways in your mind. You start bringing your powerful subconscious into alignment with your conscious desires and choices.
- You can start believing your new thinking and taking steps in alignment.
- You gain greater consciousness about your choices and make more and more of them with clear intent.
- You’re putting out more positive energy into the world and getting more back (some of you lightworker types have a backlog just waiting to get in!)
How to Start the Change
- Start catching yourself in the act. This is a new skill of awareness and consciousness of your previously subconscious habits. Listen to the words coming out of your mouth…listen to the words playing over and over in your mind. Make a list of the bad mental habits you want to change.
- Start with one of your most-often repeated phrases that reinforces difficulty. And make a promise to yourself, make a commitment to change that one habit. When you start getting more traction with the first one, you can add 1-2 more.
- Next create a short, strong phrase that you’ll say instead. Find specific working you believe to be true. Check that this affirmation sends a clear message to all levels of your consciousness and functions like a prayer you want the Universe to hear.
- When you catch yourself saying/thinking your bad habit, dramatically switch to your affirmation. Drama gets the attention of your subconscious like the saber-toothed tiger did in caveman days. Some people snap a rubber band on their wrist. Another way is to say “STOP! NO! This is what we’re thinking now.” Then say an affirmation.
Your Commitment is Essential
Your commitment is essential because when we make a mental change like this, our mind may not like changing. It can take a while, especially if you’ve been saying these negative things for a long time.
If you find it very difficult to change your thinking habits, read my post, “Why is Positive Thinking so Hard?” to learn the ego’s role with keeping your mind working just the way it is.